Yannick . [Lifestyle]:
Et tu m'as laissé(e) là.
Yannick . [Lifestyle]:
Push-ups (the harder way)
Yannick . [Lifestyle]:
Accidental Abstractism
Yannick . [Lifestyle]:
World, The Time has come to ..
Yannick . [Lifestyle]:
Sretna Nova Godina !
Yannick . [Lifestyle]:
Yannick . [Lifestyle]:
This cat makes me dizzy.
Yannick . [Lifestyle]:
What a mess.
Yannick . [Lifestyle]:
Vue d'en Dessous.
Yannick . [Lifestyle]:
Out in the Streets.
Yannick . [Lifestyle]:
« C’est une succession de petits riens qui font que l’on est heureux. »
Yannick . [Lifestyle]:
I'm sure ..