amydawnrose: Nocturnal Notre Dame
amydawnrose: Peekaboo
Fret Spider: Chiditarod 2014 Chicago
MLevaillant: IMG_4282
MLevaillant: IMG_4244
Marcello_14: Journée internationale de la paix
* Yumi *: メジロと寒桜
jp_laurens: 001_1
shotaishii: IMG_5108
shotaishii: IMG_1882
amydawnrose: A Silhouette of Sorts
Mad Meerkat: Honey Badger
shotaishii: P1000917.jpg
shotaishii: P1000290.jpg
amydawnrose: Bonanza Coffee Heroes Le vendeur de tours
Jackman Chiu: Well Done Toronto! Remembering Jack Layton at Nathan Phillips Square.
amydawnrose: National Gallery of Canada
savagecat: Shady grove
Stefania Maria Ivee11: Tiny snowflakes.
amydawnrose: Inside Maurice's Barn
amydawnrose: Fall Colours
shotaishii: brandenburger tor
amydawnrose: Dinner
shotaishii: puppy