DW from the Peg: When your friend walks into your long exposure shot wearing a headlamp
DW from the Peg: Best shot I could get the first night.
DW from the Peg: This is just a satellite, not a meteor. Sad face.
DW from the Peg: Faint double rainbow over the orchard
DW from the Peg: Nolay side streets
DW from the Peg: Nolay laverie
DW from the Peg: Blackberries in Nolay
DW from the Peg: View from the grounds of the Chateau de Meursault
DW from the Peg: Third night
DW from the Peg: Third night was getting cloudy
DW from the Peg: Third night
DW from the Peg: Too cloudy to capture meteors
DW from the Peg: Just a regular house centipede apparently
DW from the Peg: Fourth and final night
DW from the Peg: Maybe this one is better of Mars
DW from the Peg: Big Dipper
DW from the Peg: No meteors in my viewfinder again