DW from the Peg: Tu cours donc je suis
DW from the Peg: Run Now, Wine Later
DW from the Peg: Kilian called
DW from the Peg: LIve Poultry Fresh Killed wasn't open when we walked by
DW from the Peg: I don't think I could work in a place surrounded by toddlers with drumsets
DW from the Peg: Boston Strong
DW from the Peg: Boylston and Exeter
DW from the Peg: The Finish Line
DW from the Peg: World Marathon Majors
DW from the Peg: With the Unicorn
DW from the Peg: "Je te vois dans mes rêves, Licorne"
DW from the Peg: Super well-organized expo
DW from the Peg: Run Like Meb
DW from the Peg: Nobody runs like Boston
DW from the Peg: Marathon slogans everywhere
DW from the Peg: Very early morning face
DW from the Peg: Coming down the hill just after km 34
DW from the Peg: Amuurika. It was maybe 6C outside, back to Boston on the interminable tram.
DW from the Peg: Marathon Aftermath in Hotel 140
DW from the Peg: Dog walker
DW from the Peg: The Barking Crab
DW from the Peg: Colville
DW from the Peg: Damián Ortega's "Olympus, 2009"
DW from the Peg: Lot of parts to an Olympus
DW from the Peg: Institute of Contemporary Art
DW from the Peg: Sonic Arboretum: sculpture by Ian Schneller and sound by Andrew Bird