DW from the Peg: French baby gift
DW from the Peg: Presents
DW from the Peg: Matchy matchy
DW from the Peg: DSC_0860
DW from the Peg: DSC_0868
DW from the Peg: DSC_0877
DW from the Peg: DSC_0879
DW from the Peg: Dandy of the Duck World
DW from the Peg: Dandy's drab girlfriend
DW from the Peg: Biergarten
DW from the Peg: DSC_0900
DW from the Peg: Just because
DW from the Peg: Random Casette
DW from the Peg: First & Second Hand Men
DW from the Peg: So Cal perhaps catering to the landlocked surfers of the Englischer Garten.
DW from the Peg: DSC_0923
DW from the Peg: DSC_0926
DW from the Peg: Surf's up
DW from the Peg: Wipe out
DW from the Peg: Surfer or Super Hero
DW from the Peg: On the way to the garten
DW from the Peg: Bunch of beer bellies
DW from the Peg: Mmm mango
DW from the Peg: Look closely
DW from the Peg: They are kind of creepy in large numbers the bigger they are