DW from the Peg: 7am Peps
DW from the Peg: The gang before the start
DW from the Peg: Pre-start smiles, despite the cold
DW from the Peg: Pre-start smiles
DW from the Peg: Hanging out at the back of the 4:15 group, the view behind us
DW from the Peg: The view ahead of us at the start
DW from the Peg: The Start
DW from the Peg: Undercover marathoners Km4
DW from the Peg: "The other cheerleaders are just over there" Km21 with Ann spotting me
DW from the Peg: Gel high, obviously. Km24-25
DW from the Peg: About to go into the tunnel under the Tuileries & Louvre
DW from the Peg: Between 24km & 25km
DW from the Peg: Nearly There & it's clearly a struggle to do the sprint finish
DW from the Peg: Fist-pumping Finish
DW from the Peg: My Fans' handiwork!
DW from the Peg: The Finishers!