DW from the Peg: It's not that pink
DW from the Peg: My Cousin's Place
DW from the Peg: Dream-like foggy coast
DW from the Peg: Hunting for clams
DW from the Peg: Check out the beak!
DW from the Peg: V is for Victory
DW from the Peg: Colour-congregated birds
DW from the Peg: They kind of have mohawks
DW from the Peg: Someone risked the $2000 fine.
DW from the Peg: 90 degree Tree
DW from the Peg: Beaver Lake, why is there always a Beaver Lake?
DW from the Peg: A. begrudgingly lies on the wet street
DW from the Peg: A. then clutches a torch between his thighs
DW from the Peg: The Street Performer juggles fire while walking over my cousin, his assistant
DW from the Peg: Great Balls of Fire
DW from the Peg: These boots were made for (street) walking?
DW from the Peg: Eel Sushi
DW from the Peg: Eating raw shrimp
DW from the Peg: While we were lost in the woods, we found a very large tree
DW from the Peg: Teppanyaki
DW from the Peg: Missed the shrimp
DW from the Peg: Bean sprout heart
DW from the Peg: Polar cookies