DW from the Peg: Aux Philosophes
DW from the Peg: Walk home
DW from the Peg: Walk home
DW from the Peg: Walk home
DW from the Peg: Under my umbrella
DW from the Peg: Rain Gear outside Galerie Chappe
DW from the Peg: Jarvis and the Journalist
DW from the Peg: JP rocks the Stylophone
DW from the Peg: Instrument to play along
DW from the Peg: Swimming Snail
DW from the Peg: Red Balconies
DW from the Peg: Best Geraniums in Town
DW from the Peg: I'm not the only one that likes my apartment
DW from the Peg: Oh là là - bar
DW from the Peg: Oh là là - eating area
DW from the Peg: Favourite Autumn Spot
DW from the Peg: On my street...
DW from the Peg: Morning Fog, on the train
DW from the Peg: On my street...
DW from the Peg: The completed work: euro alligator hand
DW from the Peg: Jellyfish Lamps
DW from the Peg: Pigeon on its last legs won't move out of the way
DW from the Peg: Must you stick your rear in my face while I'm trying to enjoy my drink
DW from the Peg: Masks for Giant Heads
DW from the Peg: Pointy ears
DW from the Peg: Fashion Four Eyez? what are fashion four eyes?
DW from the Peg: Bag Lady in the Rain
DW from the Peg: Don't be embarrassed about having to buy those prescription drugs
DW from the Peg: Fontaine des automates
DW from the Peg: Shh, Bear in the Corner