blurb: Nashville Car
dustyrulez!: oh no you di'int!
dustyrulez!: size large baby
dustyrulez!: That's gotta hurt.
dustyrulez!: We are trying to look like 40 year old virgins
dustyrulez!: STA60081
dustyrulez!: I'm lonesome when you're around
dustyrulez!: STA60095
dustyrulez!: lifepartners
dustyrulez!: Together we can beat scurvy
dustyrulez!: File under "diabetic coma"
dustyrulez!: Garrett is rugged and handsome
dustyrulez!: STA60021
dustyrulez!: STA60030
dustyrulez!: Are we playing Keno?
dustyrulez!: eng table
dustyrulez!: love can also be ugly
dustyrulez!: STA60086
dustyrulez!: STA60087
dustyrulez!: STA60080
Bill Millions: IMG_0685.JPG
Bill Millions: IMG_0683.JPG
Bill Millions: IMG_0616.JPG