dustinhenderlong: Dessert of champions
dustinhenderlong: No manners
dustinhenderlong: Jeez Phyll
dustinhenderlong: Jeffrey took care of The Phyll while we were gone. It's on! I'm coming off of a fresh win vs. the Steiger clan
dustinhenderlong: Laptop + Flight = not so bad.
dustinhenderlong: Go towards the light
dustinhenderlong: Cruisin 6 deep to the ATL airport.
dustinhenderlong: Mimi's favorite, Georgia Chocolate Almond Ice Cream
dustinhenderlong: Unplanned.
dustinhenderlong: Holy crap, Fred!
dustinhenderlong: WTF? Grocery store baffroom
dustinhenderlong: Athens is pretty sweet.
dustinhenderlong: Fred is my homeboy
dustinhenderlong: Mimi and Eliza. Eliza is the friendliest person I've ever met.
dustinhenderlong: Wha happa?
dustinhenderlong: The flock
dustinhenderlong: Getting ready fer Turkey!
dustinhenderlong: Sarah and Poppyseed
dustinhenderlong: Saving a cork
dustinhenderlong: It must be Thanksgiving!
dustinhenderlong: Dangerous.