dustinhenderlong: Heck of a spot for some nuptials.
dustinhenderlong: Best card game evar. #cardsagainsthumanity
dustinhenderlong: My first ever Rockies game.
dustinhenderlong: Great to finally get my mom up to Lake Isabelle.
dustinhenderlong: Florence + the Machine
dustinhenderlong: Stairway [ramp] to Heaven.
dustinhenderlong: In other news: James Taylor
dustinhenderlong: Playing with in-camera multiple exposure. #5DmkIII #pingpong
dustinhenderlong: Billie, protector of the cabin. #silverlab
dustinhenderlong: Heck of a day. Steamboat to Stagecoach RT w/ @michaeldwan
dustinhenderlong: Sunrise at the cabin. Lux only
dustinhenderlong: Our office closely resembles an Apple store. #rMBP
dustinhenderlong: Last few minutes of light. 7/18/2012
dustinhenderlong: Nerd Shadows.
dustinhenderlong: Camera gear for 8 days in Italy. On the fence re: the 70-200 f/2.8L #travel #5D3
dustinhenderlong: New audio setup. #5D3 #zoomh4n #sescom
dustinhenderlong: Anyone else see this new small fire in Boulder?
dustinhenderlong: The fuzz told me I couldn't go to there, but I went to there anyway. #boulderfire #NCAR #trespassing
dustinhenderlong: What a strange day. #boulderfire
dustinhenderlong: Help from above. #nofilter #boulderfire
dustinhenderlong: #boulderfire no filter, and no signs of slowing.
dustinhenderlong: This #boulderfire is visible from my desk. #cofires
dustinhenderlong: Risky occupation
dustinhenderlong: Back at it. #BigBoulder
dustinhenderlong: I hope this somehow improved my @klout score. w/ @joefernandez @daddymention #BigBoulder
dustinhenderlong: Talking @twitter w/ @rsarver and @dougw at #BigBoulder
dustinhenderlong: #BigBoulder
dustinhenderlong: I enjoy this much more than I should. #5DmkIII