asgottl: IMG_8824
the other Martin Taylor: Cell Phones Everywhere
MrLomo: sea gull vs cheesy wotsit
*AngelStar*: FR_LYON_24_CC_LO
emilyjhryder: red chairs
emilyjhryder: mirror pendulum
Matt Fairview: Winner!
hugooz2001: Shades of green
╬Thomas Reichart ╬: Lavazunge am Pu'u O'o
achivs: suilven from lairg road
cholmes: brazilia-17
globalNix: IMG_7469 "Ghostbusters" Fire Station
maudeclaude: Beastie Boys
¥uji: DSCF0179.JPG
LAFD: Major Fire Damages LA's 7th Street Market
lomokev: dave looking for the next wave
emilyjhryder: Red bull
emilyjhryder: I'm happy it's sunny!
lotusutol: yee sung
Rogério Mariano: P1020592_Eclipse_solar
Ben McLeod: on Smokey's tail
emilyjhryder: riot police
emilyjhryder: it's alive!
junku: DSC_1312
emilyjhryder: Me and Duncan on his birthday