DuncanC: one of the best things about my mornings... waking up next to my snuggle bear. i'm going to really miss this as he transitions to the cot.
DuncanC: selfie fun at the blue mountains. thanks for the beanie @puginspace
DuncanC: kite flying with mummy!
DuncanC: catnap
DuncanC: catnap
DuncanC: catnap
DuncanC: picnic lunch
DuncanC: corn
DuncanC: glowing
DuncanC: watchin' the tide roll away
DuncanC: windy... rainy... are you sure this is a good idea?
DuncanC: bribed to keep still at a wedding... with sultanas ☺
DuncanC: IMG_9328
DuncanC: IMG_9320
DuncanC: IMG_9313
DuncanC: heater detail
DuncanC: foyer detail
DuncanC: foyer
DuncanC: dancing into the new year... happy new year!
DuncanC: waiting for her first customer...
DuncanC: family nap #thirdwheel
DuncanC: #thirdwheel
DuncanC: my two girls :)
DuncanC: #familysmiles
DuncanC: mum's love
DuncanC: admiring the bubba
DuncanC: vivid sydney