Aaron-D: Stay fresh
Aaron-D: This morning
Aaron-D: Man that don't look too good
Aaron-D: Decided to have a little fun with my water proof housing for my phone
Aaron-D: Afternoon everyone! :)
Aaron-D: Norco #2dayassembly
Aaron-D: Ahhh good old #socal rain
Aaron-D: Only in america! I think instead of having a bear on the Cali flag they just need too put weed. The weed republic of California.
Aaron-D: I think they won because there not gay like San Francisco
Aaron-D: Every one thinks that Cali is the land of rolling green his and palm tress. Haha buddy just wait till the summer when it all turns brown gets try and burns down. Then instead of rolling green hills we get smoldering black ones. So pretty.......
Aaron-D: This guy really must have pissed his wife off
Aaron-D: VTEC
Aaron-D: Adjusting the valve clearance today
Aaron-D: The 5
Aaron-D: FAIL!!!!! Lol
Aaron-D: Brea