selektah: SP Sunset
André Elias: Natural Bridge Nature Park
Drummertist: Android Button Comparison
andre cardoso: blackpower
Dustin Diaz: Just Married
gruber: Homepage Placement
DocChewbacca: The droids we're googling for
James Broad: Spectator watching the Soho fire
codepo8: Mystery in the Yahoo UK office
Acarlos1000: Advice
david (not dave): driving thru sao paulo
Sion Fullana: "Abyss of light"
Daniel Y. Go: Slow Pan
Proggie: Richmond Olympic Speed Skating Oval
tad.ok: London Oxford Street Light Stream
Ape Lad: Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #1070
codepo8: Rockstar bashing fail
codepo8: Better pizza through Quality and Innovation
itrimble: Ceiling Cat
Giacomo Dotta: Carol Bartz
vividBreeze: So true
SchaIk: Offensive Weapons
GINDERBELL: Atheist Headstone
neloqua: Leave all your cares behind...Set your spirit free...Fly away...
roberta zouain: repetition
Box and Arrow: NYTimes associated navigation
guine: church sign