Ducky pipeliner:
Jeremy 75
Ducky pipeliner:
Janelle 09
Ducky pipeliner:
Janelle 15
Ducky pipeliner:
Silvia, pretty bride in the sunlight
Ducky pipeliner:
Silvia and Jeremy, the kiss, Well, one of them
Ducky pipeliner:
Silvia and Jeremy 'The wedding' 235 copy 02
Ducky pipeliner:
David and Janet's wedding 410 copy
Ducky pipeliner:
David and Janet's wedding 404 copy
Ducky pipeliner:
David and Janet's wedding 314 copy
Ducky pipeliner:
David and Janet's wedding 258 copy
Ducky pipeliner:
Zakk and company 29
Ducky pipeliner:
Sandra 06 opy
Ducky pipeliner:
Zakk and company 17
Ducky pipeliner:
Zakk and company 15
Ducky pipeliner:
K 11 copy
Ducky pipeliner:
K 24 copy
Ducky pipeliner:
Jeremy and Sylvia take 1 016 copy
Ducky pipeliner:
Jeremy and Silvia take 2 236 copy
Ducky pipeliner:
Sandra 19 copy
Ducky pipeliner:
nat & Greg 43
Ducky pipeliner:
Zoé 54
Ducky pipeliner:
Jamie 64
Ducky pipeliner:
Curtis shoot 01
Ducky pipeliner:
Angie and Mark 08
Ducky pipeliner:
Angie and Mark 14
Ducky pipeliner:
Nat 11
Ducky pipeliner:
Melina 22
Ducky pipeliner:
Melissa 03 copy
Ducky pipeliner:
Melina 12
Ducky pipeliner:
nat & Greg 32