DTBaker07: indoor product shot
DTBaker07: My interest in randomness.
DTBaker07: My love of humor.
DTBaker07: What better represents me then me.
DTBaker07: My love of life.
DTBaker07: My love of candy.
DTBaker07: Macro Nature Shot
DTBaker07: Lanscape Shot
DTBaker07: Indoor Portrait
DTBaker07: 100 iso
DTBaker07: auto iso
DTBaker07: 200 iso
DTBaker07: 800 iso
DTBaker07: 400 iso
DTBaker07: 1600 iso
DTBaker07: 6400 iso
DTBaker07: 3200 iso
DTBaker07: IMG_0169
DTBaker07: Blurred Motion- Wide Depth
DTBaker07: Auto White Balance
DTBaker07: Sunny
DTBaker07: Shady
DTBaker07: Cloudy
DTBaker07: White Fluorescent
DTBaker07: Tungsten
DTBaker07: Blurred Motion
DTBaker07: Stopped Motion- Wide Depth
DTBaker07: Stopped Motion
DTBaker07: Blurred Motion- Shallow Depth
DTBaker07: Shallow Depth