glennbphoto: Many Happy Returns
glennbphoto: Low flying kite
cbcastro: Halley Beagle
glennbphoto: ghost town
glennbphoto: Swinger
throgers: BBQ
throgers: surveillance
glennbphoto: something borrowed
glennbphoto: muddy pond mural
glennbphoto: Huxley
glennbphoto: Huxley
throgers: Wallace and an Orb
glennbphoto: finish line
cbcastro: No grapes for you
cbcastro: I'd vote for him
jhitzeman: Huxley Beagle
throgers: Huxley
throgers: Huxley @ Club 93
throgers: Huxley, on the prowl
Jef Poskanzer: memorial
throgers: in San Francisco
jbuike: Gated Garden
throgers: rainy passages
David Gallagher: Erected 1959