la.truf: 20220101_Mouettes_Rieuses_004
Ann/k: Horizon
In Memoriam: Ecuador Megadiverso: Treehoppers, Tritropidia galeata
raphael.labourel: Cache cache
Eddie The Bugman: ~Ischnura elegans f. violacea (♀)~
Dr DAD (Daniel A D'Auria MD): Maximal Minimalism 4831
candice pic: arbre à mouette
labousigmor: Merle noir et .... blanc
Martial2010: Nuthatch
Forgotten2000: Red Squirrel
Steviethewaspwhisperer: Purple Pollen Baskets
Forgotten2000: Dolphin
Col-Page: Buzzard (Buteo buteo) ......... Wild not Captive ( Marton Heath )
Nick Dean1: Lasiommata megera ♂ (Wall Brown)
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Tussock Moth Caterpillar (Lymantriinae, Erebidae)
Graham_Manson: "Pike Fishing"
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Geometrid Moth (Hypochrosis iris, Ennominae, Geometridae)
Vicki's Nature: Gray hairstreak on giant coneflower
Steph Cowie: Pink Jaws of Death
David C Walker 1967: Male Ptramigan Posing
In Memoriam: od0man: Emperor (Saturnia pavonia) ♂.
john moncrieff: Another Shetland Cormorant
OWL62: Keeled Skimmer
Richo14: Whitethroat
Margaret J Walker: Crested Tit on Perch
rehlein121: RR_20090802__DSC2699