doctorvono: The drive into Hanoi
doctorvono: Eggs transported by motorbike
doctorvono: Everything is interesting out the van window!
doctorvono: Airport driver checking his phone
doctorvono: Street vendors chatting
doctorvono: Seriously, the power lines
doctorvono: Street vendor
doctorvono: Near the tour company
doctorvono: Dharma!
doctorvono: Vendor carrying soup
doctorvono: Propane tank
doctorvono: Our hotel room
doctorvono: International spy?
doctorvono: View from our hotel room (1/2)
doctorvono: View from our hotel room (2/2)
doctorvono: Chickens in a coop
doctorvono: Yikes
doctorvono: Sidewalks are for motorbike parking
doctorvono: These trees are amazing
doctorvono: Which way to go?
doctorvono: Dragon detail
doctorvono: Well-kept grounds
doctorvono: By the lake
doctorvono: Cute couple
doctorvono: Nice walk along the lake
doctorvono: Patriotic flowers
doctorvono: Nathan walking by the lake
doctorvono: Patriotic flower display
doctorvono: Figuring out where to go...
doctorvono: P1000119