messer.christophe: pontsaintnicolas10-5-2024
loïcpousin: Pont transbordeur
nicolas doucedame: Croquis-du-3C
Wuzbug: “The Piano 2024.“, pin sketch of first player in Ballpoint pen, by jmsw on sketch book paper.
Wuzbug: Player on the show,” The Piano 2024.” Ballpoint pen pin sketch by jmsw, on sketch book paper.
artbwf: Home
augustoliveira: Lusiné and her Painting
sketches.fp: Timp (23)
nicolas doucedame: Les-3c-de-ce-soir.
gerard michel: casa ponton 2024
PH .B: Dépression Météo
PH .B: Coup de vent - Gale
michel dufourd: 3 petites études
michel dufourd: 3 etudes
nicolas doucedame: La-femme-au-bain-du-matin
liupangyen: 鉛筆人像素描
kiekje2008: Raúl
Damien Carquillat: Blue swimsuit -oil on wood- 45x45cm
nicolas doucedame: Geneviève-IV
nicolas doucedame: Violaine-III
nicolas doucedame: Passerelle poésie.