Drregor: wedding photo
Drregor: verner neiwellers cow milking in germany
Drregor: pete and carrie trutman with father krotech
Drregor: lana looks like a little angel at dads grave
Drregor: june 13th - Leeb Bendfeld
Drregor: Bendfield Babies
Drregor: bridal party - gram and grandpa bendfeld, otto & annie helmig, (brother and sister) anna blumenau) bernard
Drregor: brian, donna lana, owen and rodney leeb
Drregor: benfeld children - hattie when she was younger
Drregor: 4 years old gary
Drregor: a typical california home, mom irin grop in front with dad, did_
Drregor: Grandma and Grandpa Broemeling
Drregor: Scan 73
Drregor: Scan 72
Drregor: Scan 71
Drregor: Joseph Schulte
Drregor: Anna Benfeld
Drregor: Silver Anniversary
Drregor: Orena Bendfeld
Drregor: Hermann Guhle
Drregor: Die Ubr im Gebrauch
Drregor: Wedding
Drregor: Garantieshein
Drregor: Round Head School
Drregor: Rosie, Hanna, Steve, Johny, Gerhard, Matilda and G-Gma, Grank, Herman G-Gpa Broemeling, Joe and maggie and family
Drregor: Rose jae and Joe Schlout
Drregor: Remi
Drregor: Our bedroom
Drregor: Ottawa
Drregor: Mom and Dad at Niagara