Alexander Drobkov-Dark: Александр и Мария / Alexander & Maria
Alexander Drobkov-Dark: Зоя / Zoya
Alexander Drobkov-Dark: Полина / Polina
fabriciodo2: Greta oto
Rui Palha: Leaving Champalimaud Center
marianna armata: tree tunnel
martin.matte: Lofoten Houses
BillChenSF: Barn Owl
 : Donde se fabrican las estrellas
alainfrere34: Echasse blanche .
Gregory Lis: Bald Eagle
Chiv3: Jay
C A Soukup: The Wind Plays a Haunting Tune
jilllian2: Delicate balance
Alan E Taylor: Southport Pier
Ch3micals: Lake Louise
Otto Berkeley: Echo of Darkness
Su Bayfield: What Once Was
protsalke: Todavia es Otoño en Andalucia....
Anto Camacho: A better future
Pete Rowbottom, Wigan, UK: Derwent Isle dawn
gseloff: Leaving Horsepen
NicoleW0000: Short Eared Owl "Very nice to meet you"
ewitsoe: Tribe 101.365
apoorvg1: Adalaj ni vav
gazza294: COMMON BLUE PAIR 140517