humming: Duane's Dragon
humming: Queen Pigtunia
humming: The Bubble Buggy
humming: June's Chicken
humming: The 2009 Rutabaga Queen
humming: June's Rooster Peons
humming: The Tiki Bar followed by Dow Jones' Wild Ride
humming: Duane's Dragon Breathes Fire
humming: Picnic Basket
humming: Melvin
humming: Fish on a pole
humming: The Fish Hat
humming: Twinkle
humming: The Ruby Dew
humming: The Victory Garden
humming: Hippie peon and rear of Hippypotamus
humming: Ken's Hippypotamus
humming: The Angler
humming: Fine Pirate Wenches
humming: Eyeball Umbrella?
humming: Sharkbait
humming: Foraging
humming: Lost Cat, San Juan Island
humming: May Day Interview Video - Still
humming: Mosaic of Humboldt Today
humming: Articles of Impeachment
humming: Above Freshwater Lagoon
humming: Magic Yellow Flame
humming: Angry Cattle
humming: Intruder Alert