drmiggy: Noneck's new 'do
drmiggy: Fireworks over the Brooklyn bridge
drmiggy: The mob at the bus stop after the fireworks
drmiggy: Espresso Martini at Barney's
drmiggy: Espresso Martini at Barney's
drmiggy: New York Public Library
drmiggy: New York Public Library
drmiggy: Manhattan Margarita
drmiggy: Nice Legs
drmiggy: Notes in Time by Nancy Spero
drmiggy: Untitled (Aretha) by Roni Horn
drmiggy: Barbed Salt Lamps by Sigalit Landau
drmiggy: Untitled by Robert Irwin
drmiggy: Art floor at the MoMA
drmiggy: Street shot of the Brooklyn bridge
drmiggy: Waterfalls on the Brooklyn bridge
drmiggy: Waterfalls on the Brooklyn bridge
drmiggy: The Manhattan Bridge
drmiggy: Brooklyn through the Brooklyn bridge
drmiggy: The Manhattan and Williamsburg bridges through the Brooklyn bridge
drmiggy: The Brooklyn Bridge
drmiggy: looking straight up
drmiggy: Trinity Church
drmiggy: World Trade Center site
drmiggy: World Trade Center site
drmiggy: Last drink in Manhattan