drmiggy: The moon on Lake Michigan
drmiggy: Smoky and Sweet Tomato Salad
drmiggy: Art Tomato
drmiggy: Heirloom Cherry Tomatoes
drmiggy: Fresh chickpeas
drmiggy: Fresh Chickpeas
drmiggy: Purple Peppers
drmiggy: Stone Fruits
drmiggy: Bacon Green Beans and Quinoa
drmiggy: First Tomatoes of the Season
drmiggy: Zucchini and Prosciutto Fritatta
drmiggy: Rhubarb Compote with Greek Yogurt
drmiggy: Chicago skyline from the BP pedestrian bridge
drmiggy: Of course we did
drmiggy: Monica and Kristen on the bridge to the Art Institute Modern Wing
drmiggy: yay girlz
drmiggy: cloud gate
drmiggy: go Hawks
drmiggy: Trump tower from the archi cruise
drmiggy: the camera had some wine
drmiggy: Quick and Cheap Dinner: Mexican Layer Casserole
drmiggy: Quick and Cheap Dinner: Quick Chili
drmiggy: There's gators in them waters
drmiggy: A crisp fall day at the lake
drmiggy: view from the bank
drmiggy: country mailbox
drmiggy: stray cats
drmiggy: stray cats
drmiggy: a member of the small dog pack
drmiggy: the small dog pack contemplates