drmiggy: drmiggy and noneck
drmiggy: the real noneck
drmiggy: Oscar Wilde's Grave
drmiggy: Oscar Wilde's Grave
drmiggy: Gertie! We found you at last!
drmiggy: searching for Gertrude Stein
drmiggy: early spring
drmiggy: flowers at the holocaust memorial
drmiggy: The Little Sparrow
drmiggy: The Little Sparrow
drmiggy: the mist
drmiggy: Jim Morrison
drmiggy: Jim Morrison
drmiggy: Kim Jong Il? With a wolf?
drmiggy: heavenly light
drmiggy: long shadows on the cemetery road
drmiggy: This guy screwed up royally
drmiggy: kneel at the altar of the shop vac
drmiggy: I love you thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much!
drmiggy: oh god, how many more steps?
drmiggy: Paris from Sacre Coeur
drmiggy: In the dome of Sacre Coeur
drmiggy: Paris from Sacre Coeur
drmiggy: Paris from Sacre Coeur
drmiggy: happy happy happy
drmiggy: I've waited a long time for this
drmiggy: the view from our balcony
drmiggy: my first parisian meal
drmiggy: L'Art Brut pub
drmiggy: noneck entertains me