drewiel: dude with bag and limp wrist is so in touch wif his feminine side.. mwhahahaha...
drewiel: what's a party wifout good food??
drewiel: ok man... the 2 finger pose has to stop!!! hehehehe....
drewiel: he aint heavy, he's my brother??!!?!
drewiel: ok, i'm wif crazy chick... i was forced into posing!! kakaka....
drewiel: the frilly test of ur sexual virility.. and i passed wif flying colours!! ahhaha....
drewiel: whoo.. is this how to poke somebody in the eyes??
drewiel: never stand in front of a dude with a pointy thingy... mwhahaha...
drewiel: the wizard with his magic hat...
drewiel: these lips aren't meant for you!!
drewiel: in such perfect shape eh...
drewiel: i'm wif crazy chick.. mwhahaha...
drewiel: 2 merry men and a crazy chick.. hahaha..
drewiel: the cute couple and a fool..
drewiel: high forehead = great intelligence...
drewiel: give me some love baby!!
drewiel: sexy lips eh...
drewiel: 4 merry men...
drewiel: hahaah... somehow church and me dun quite click.. check out the sullen look..
drewiel: years on, the bodies may sag and waists may thicken but the spirit in us will never die... hahaha...
drewiel: it's been more than a decade but a winner's glee will never change.. whee...
drewiel: yeah yeah.. u got ur shot.. now bugger off !!! hahahaha
drewiel: post exams bbq with carefree friends.. life was so much simpler & happier then.. haiz..
drewiel: even our laughs sounded louder and more gleeful... oh well...
drewiel: back when the smiles were wider and the team... well bigger.. sighz...
drewiel: aaaahhhh.. me and my 15mins of fame....
drewiel: with enough alcohol, even ur boss becomes ur bestest friend... hah...
drewiel: drunk or not, u NEVER say no to having 2 babes in your arms.. hahaha...
drewiel: Bottoms Up Part III (wif ex-boss Momose again)!!
drewiel: Bottoms Up Part II (wif ex-boss Momose)!!