bisybackson: In de UPPERCASE !!
Anahata Joy: Inventor
BRYAN M. FERGUSON: the scissor bandit.
mantley: dune 45
mantley: quiver tree or kokerboom (baum)
mantley: quiver tree or kokerboom (baum)
mantley: quiver tree or kokerboom (baum)
mantley: Kolmanskop
mantley: die wüste gewinnt (desert wins)
mantley: kolmanskop
mantley: deadvlei
mantley: deadvlei
mantley: deadvlei
mantley: deadvlei
mantley: deadvlei
mantley: deadvlei
mantley: No filter, but cool pic of Deadvlei
mantley: sossusvlei selfie
mantley: deadvlei
mantley: capricorn
mantley: cape fur seal colony (100,000)
mantley: Cape fur seal pup
mantley: cape fur seals
mantley: lonetree
mantley: etosha road