dred707..: Sunset in Reno 285/365
dred707..: Sunrise at Mogul 286/365
dred707..: Local motive 287/365
dred707..: Artist at work 289/365
dred707..: Multitasking 291/365
dred707..: Sunset at Steelhead 292/365
dred707..: Sunrise at Shoshone Farm 293/365
dred707..: House on Walker rd. 294/365
dred707..: Bye now 295/365
dred707..: 296/365
dred707..: Sunrise on Laguna de Santa Rosa 298/365
dred707..: 297/365
dred707..: Autumn 299/365
dred707..: Skaggs Island vineyard 301/365
dred707..: Cattle dock 300/365
dred707..: 302/365
dred707..: Water tank and truck 304/365
dred707..: Scrap yard at dawn 305/365
dred707..: Vine 396/365
dred707..: Indian painting 307/365
dred707..: Pond on Woolsey 308/365
dred707..: Oh gordy 309/365
dred707..: 388 steps 310/365
dred707..: Brewing storm 311/365
dred707..: Watching the world go by 312/365
dred707..: 313/365
dred707..: Need a hand? 315/365
dred707..: JFK 314/365