dred707..: Day 1
dred707..: I hate when this happens.
dred707..: Mamma mia!
dred707..: day 5
dred707..: day 6
dred707..: Day 7
dred707..: Mommy why do leaves fall?
dred707..: Table set for two.
dred707..: Mans best friend
dred707..: Mural Day11
dred707..: Here's a feather in your vase.
dred707..: Falling angel Day 13
dred707..: Mother & Child Day 14
dred707..: RETURN TO SENDER.....
dred707..: At the bowling alley Day 16
dred707..: Outside looking in 17/365
dred707..: Oak tree 18/365
dred707..: storm drain 19/365
dred707..: Spirit of Christmas past 20/365
dred707..: Three windows 21/365
dred707..: Golden ship 22/365
dred707..: Nice digs for a horse 23/365
dred707..: A shed on the hill 24/365
dred707..: Never to be seen again 25/365
dred707..: Take the "A" train
dred707..: A litte color on a dreary day 28/365
dred707..: Doctors porsche 29/365
dred707..: Promise of a fine day 30/365
dred707..: Squaw rock 31/365
dred707..: I'm a bit tired and I can't see well 27/365