DREAM STORE PHOTO: like ghosts we drift
DREAM STORE PHOTO: more than you know
DREAM STORE PHOTO: blue mornings now but soon we will fall together again
DREAM STORE PHOTO: hold on to your sunshine
DREAM STORE PHOTO: take her by the hand
DREAM STORE PHOTO: we_all_stay_the_same
DREAM STORE PHOTO: fever dream
DREAM STORE PHOTO: this living dream, this living end, when all we want is to decide, or to be decided for, and sometimes the air falls heavily but still we dance above it.
DREAM STORE PHOTO: i say i wont be long...
DREAM STORE PHOTO: so i choose light as you seek darkness
DREAM STORE PHOTO: and with our arrogance a truth will grow like the past
DREAM STORE PHOTO: and proud we are of all of them
DREAM STORE PHOTO: she was picked up like a cigarette, still smoking, angry little Red.