BaSSiStiSt: Where we at, Louie?
BaSSiStiSt: Pooch Plunge!
BaSSiStiSt: Mmmm...vendors
BaSSiStiSt: Cool September sky
BaSSiStiSt: Louie needs a LOT of work on his diving form
BaSSiStiSt: Water was a lil cold
BaSSiStiSt: He has become a very fast swimmer, what with his giant feet and all
BaSSiStiSt: Louie was afraid to jump in most of the day, and took the re-re ramp
BaSSiStiSt: GF loves Pooch Plunge!
BaSSiStiSt: Louie was checking out the cute little redhead
BaSSiStiSt: Pitway Airlines, you are cleared for takeoff
BaSSiStiSt: Louie instigating some doggy mayhem
BaSSiStiSt: gettheball gettheball gettheball...
BaSSiStiSt: Jake made a new friend
BaSSiStiSt: Yay! Hors D'ourves!
BaSSiStiSt: Fuzzball bather
BaSSiStiSt: Aw, they put up police tape because I was zooming around everywhere!
BaSSiStiSt: Yes Miss more it
BaSSiStiSt: Please exit the pool at the carpet, sir
BaSSiStiSt: Doggie shipping lanes
BaSSiStiSt: Flying dog! With the sign Louie peed on in the foreground
BaSSiStiSt: Yes, I promise to stop marking EVERYTHING
BaSSiStiSt: Agility course
BaSSiStiSt: Lil Tubesteak took Louie's ball
BaSSiStiSt: I am cute and you will worship me and offer me steak
BaSSiStiSt: I got it! 'CHOMP'
BaSSiStiSt: Action shot
BaSSiStiSt: Splashin in the kiddie pool
BaSSiStiSt: Proud parents
BaSSiStiSt: This is my imitation of Chunk from The Goonies