BaSSiStiSt: Ah, another year of Fair excitement!
BaSSiStiSt: The Cardinal Statue greets you at the gate
BaSSiStiSt: 3 bucks? Cha right!
BaSSiStiSt: No thanks, I'll walk
BaSSiStiSt: John McCain was nowhere to be seen
BaSSiStiSt: Holy crap, grizzly bears!
BaSSiStiSt: Barked at by the Barker
BaSSiStiSt: Human Blockheads...surprisingly, not so rare
BaSSiStiSt: $30 bucks to lift off and circle the fair once? Nah
BaSSiStiSt: Time to hit the Midway
BaSSiStiSt: New this year was the Heart Breaker
BaSSiStiSt: Here's GF getting a Hot Pain Injection
BaSSiStiSt: I'ma pass
BaSSiStiSt: Bitchin' Yo-Yo
BaSSiStiSt: The Fair features a metric buttload of fun houses and dark rides
BaSSiStiSt: They had a Rock-O as well this year
BaSSiStiSt: The Crazy Mouse was back but having issues all day
BaSSiStiSt: Heh...World's Smallest Horse
BaSSiStiSt: Downtown C-Bus, from the Wheel
BaSSiStiSt: Ag Building and Kiddieland
BaSSiStiSt: Thas Hott
BaSSiStiSt: Avalanche was doing it's thing
BaSSiStiSt: Looks painful, never ridden one, photographs well
BaSSiStiSt: Bean is ready for another Fun House
BaSSiStiSt: OMG, a traveling Tip Top!! Ran great, too!
BaSSiStiSt: Intense but short cycle
BaSSiStiSt: Wish I could ride this, but it kills me
BaSSiStiSt: Another new ride this year, no idea who makes it
BaSSiStiSt: GF and her new BF