BaSSiStiSt: March means coaster season is ON!
BaSSiStiSt: Our trip began with some Disneyland...and something old is new!
BaSSiStiSt: The subs are back! And this is their line 5 minutes after the park opens...
BaSSiStiSt: Was great to see them again
BaSSiStiSt: And I'm happy to report they are way better than before
BaSSiStiSt: Zoe's new short do is way cute
BaSSiStiSt: We all vastly enjoyed the Nemo makeover
BaSSiStiSt: Autopia was next
BaSSiStiSt: Alex was a very careful driver
BaSSiStiSt: And Zoe was a little nuts!
BaSSiStiSt: Nice random Matterhorn pic
BaSSiStiSt: The bear is enjoying some nice sun as we move over to DCA
BaSSiStiSt: But first we must check into our Tower Suite
BaSSiStiSt: I like this hotel but the elevators gotta go.
BaSSiStiSt: Hey look, we're not the only Fun Factory folk here!
BaSSiStiSt: We all waited for front row on Screamin'
BaSSiStiSt: Squinchy-face photo #354
BaSSiStiSt: OK this isn't Dragster, but it'll do til May
BaSSiStiSt: OK, is it May yet??
BaSSiStiSt: What a gorgeous day it was
BaSSiStiSt: Girlfriend really loves this ride so much...
BaSSiStiSt: No idea why, but if it makes her happy...
BaSSiStiSt: My kids are getting bigger... :-(
BaSSiStiSt: Rustic Rapids view
BaSSiStiSt: Would you buy a Fast Pass from this man?
BaSSiStiSt: Back to DL, and the Pirates makeover for Tom Sawyer Island
BaSSiStiSt: Cmon Alex get into the Monkey Ball
BaSSiStiSt: See? Monkey Ball
BaSSiStiSt: They play dead poorly...except for Zoe
BaSSiStiSt: That's hott.