dreaded_thommo: Noisy raven.
dreaded_thommo: I love that my walk/jog route looks like a low budget post apocalyptic film set.
dreaded_thommo: Untitled
dreaded_thommo: Shepherds Warning
dreaded_thommo: Fine now, but earlier...
dreaded_thommo: early morning storm
dreaded_thommo: Luftballoons! I guess you'll have to take my word for it though.
dreaded_thommo: I will end you...
dreaded_thommo: Problem?
dreaded_thommo: Impreza Sunset
dreaded_thommo: This is what an addiction to grass will do to a guinea pig.
dreaded_thommo: The coke for people with no name.
dreaded_thommo: Rodin the rails.
dreaded_thommo: Wind chimes
dreaded_thommo: Flashpoint
dreaded_thommo: Yesterday's rainbow
dreaded_thommo: Alien spine
dreaded_thommo: I was standing right there, when it came down from the sky...
dreaded_thommo: Leet milk transport vehicle.
dreaded_thommo: Waiting for the lift
dreaded_thommo: IMG_0954