Dr. Ashtray: 2008 summertime! Michea and Moi
Dr. Ashtray: LE HIBOU, Wakefield, Quebec is TWO OCTOBER 13, 2011
Dr. Ashtray: Nautilus - 2009-11-11 20.34.21
Dr. Ashtray: My Square after others added their talent
Dr. Ashtray: My Square on The Rompre Stomp Everyone Canvas
Dr. Ashtray: Cool Avatar
Dr. Ashtray: Celestial Fry 2
Dr. Ashtray: Close-up of CPDs
Dr. Ashtray: Vintage 30 gallon tall Metaframe
Dr. Ashtray: Vintage 2.5 gallon Metaframe
Dr. Ashtray: Father30 and Son2.5 Metaframes
Dr. Ashtray: 3 CPD Females in 30g Metaframe
Dr. Ashtray: coral red guppy
Dr. Ashtray: Wakefield White Endlers(3.1)
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Dr. Ashtray: LPM-1536 Flora Back Cover3
Dr. Ashtray: Woodhull.Flora Yellow Version
Dr. Ashtray: Woodhull.Flora White Version
Dr. Ashtray: Platter
Dr. Ashtray: Silver marks
Dr. Ashtray: Jim Flora Portrait of Shorty LPM-1561
Dr. Ashtray: Esquivel by Jim Flora KPS-3112 RCA Cartridge
Dr. Ashtray: Jim Flora 45s Rack 3
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Dr. Ashtray: Jim Flora 45s Rack 4
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Dr. Ashtray: Jim Flora 45s Rack
Dr. Ashtray: Jim Flora illustrated OKEH paper sleeve from early 40s