Dranny2010: Instruction 3# Take a bus. Do the weekly shopping. Pop into a public loo - Nils Jorgensen
Dranny2010: Instruction 4# Document some evidence of human ingenuity that would otherwise go in-noticed. Do it without including any humans - Michael Wolf
Dranny2010: Instruction 6# Never overlook a cliche - Artem Zhitenev
Dranny2010: Instruction #7 "When you have to shoot:ShootDon't talk!" Il Bruto. Make a picture containing the good, the bad and the ugly - Jens Olaf Lasthein
Dranny2010: Seeing red
Dranny2010: Instruction #9 Play photographic poker. Look for a pair, two pairs, or three of a kind - Siegfried Hansen
Dranny2010: A Pair
Dranny2010: Got him!
Dranny2010: Instruction #10 Photograph like an assassin, suddenly & silently
Dranny2010: Instruction #10
Dranny2010: Instruction #11 Take to the streets! Get political! - Mimi Mollica
Dranny2010: Instruction #12 Look for the stars, even in broad daylight - Marcus Hartel
Dranny2010: Week #13 Look closer to home - Lars Tunbjork
Dranny2010: The aftermath
Dranny2010: Instruction #14 Show us the aftermath - Maciej Dakowicz
Dranny2010: Instruction #15 B side
Dranny2010: Instruction #15 Wander aimlessly most of the time - Melanie Einzig
Dranny2010: IMG_9965
Dranny2010: Instruction 16 Wait for it to rain, it makes shooting easier & more interesting - Martin Parr
Dranny2010: Instruction #17
Dranny2010: Instruction #18 Look for a window. Through a window, out of a window, or at a reflection on a window - Arif Asci
Dranny2010: Instruction #19 Expose the banalaties of the new urban landscape - George Georgiou
Dranny2010: Instruction #20 Slow down, the next picture may be very quiet & close - Bruno Quinquat
Dranny2010: IMG_0843
Dranny2010: Human Pyramid & one in the air
Dranny2010: Pick a spot 10/15 16:48
Dranny2010: Pick a spot 12/15 17:04
Dranny2010: IMG_1146
Dranny2010: Information - what would you ask
Dranny2010: Retail confusion