Dranny2010: Sand Martins
Dranny2010: Avocet
Dranny2010: Spoonbill jpg
Dranny2010: Starling with extend upper and lower mandilble
Dranny2010: Starling with extend upper and lower mandilble
Dranny2010: Curlew and worm
Dranny2010: Little Egret
Dranny2010: Curlew
Dranny2010: Godwit
Dranny2010: Greenshank
Dranny2010: Starling Leeds
Dranny2010: Kingfisher mid preening session
Dranny2010: Kingfisher in flight
Dranny2010: Wash and brush up
Dranny2010: IMG_3282
Dranny2010: IMG_3281-Edit
Dranny2010: IMG_3262 WE
Dranny2010: Spot the chick - The Black Necked Grebe family
Dranny2010: Northern Shoveler in flight
Dranny2010: Double trouble
Dranny2010: What did you say?
Dranny2010: Black-necked Grebe
Dranny2010: Alien eyes
Dranny2010: Reflection
Dranny2010: Hebrew Character Moth 2
Dranny2010: Hebrew Character Moth
Dranny2010: Seeing double
Dranny2010: Red Kite in flight
Dranny2010: Water's cold
Dranny2010: Jenny Wren