david t ruddock: The Te Huehue wave !
david t ruddock: Boiling the Billy !
david t ruddock: The High Country
david t ruddock: The Ice Canopy
david t ruddock: Hollyford Valley New Zealand
david t ruddock: The Christmas Panorama
david t ruddock: A morning in the Cathedral
david t ruddock: The coast of Narnia
david t ruddock: Mercury Bay
birdcloud1: seeds of light (2)
birdcloud1: the secret life of plants
kimahesse: Holiday lights
lesxanes: Por los campos de Otero de Sariegos
lesxanes: Tritón palmeado " Lissotriton helveticus"
lesxanes: Buho campestre Asio flammeus
lesxanes: Faro de San Juan
lesxanes: Juvenil de Cormorán Moñudo
lesxanes: Retrato
lesxanes: Entre la mar y el cielo
vogl_claus: Tender moments / Zärtliche Augenblicke
birdcloud1: strength of heart
birdcloud1: open spaces (25)
ShaDe Photo: Waterfowl Lakes and Mount Chepren Moonlight
philipleemiller: Canyon Rays
david t ruddock: The mountain Tarn
david t ruddock: the Antipodes
david t ruddock: the ancient riverbed
david t ruddock: Timeless