dragoncello64: diptych
dragoncello64: diptych
dragoncello64: diptych
dragoncello64: diptych
dragoncello64: portrait
dragoncello64: "Three elements"
dragoncello64: "....: a thousand eyes of a thousand individuals and a single yellow natural structure."
dragoncello64: "Summary of Creation" 1
dragoncello64: "Summary of Creation" 2
dragoncello64: "I am the angel of reality,
dragoncello64: "In the dream of the matter"
dragoncello64: "Ora il mondo è profondo
dragoncello64: "Keine Antwort"
dragoncello64: "Before it's late, before it's late"
dragoncello64: "I will keep you until the end of the world"
dragoncello64: "I will keep you until the end of the world"
dragoncello64: "I fear the stars I don't know" E. Canetti
dragoncello64: "il canto della terra" attingere alla luce
dragoncello64: "tu sei come una terra che nessuno ha mai detto Tu non attendi nulla se non la parola (C. PAVESE)
dragoncello64: "Sisyphus" III
dragoncello64: "In principio erat Verbum" "In the beginning was the word"
dragoncello64: "we'll be clouds later we will wait"
dragoncello64: the threshold
dragoncello64: "L'aiuola che ci fa tanto feroci"
dragoncello64: "The sleep of reason produces monsters" "