Oldcam87: Soviet movie cameras "Электроника"
dreamyshade: P1100448
In memoriam afiler: Bell System traffic cone
dinkiller: C001374-R1-06-6
dinkiller: CNV000031
Korea Economic Institute: Departing DPRK - Computer Games
Eric Lafforgue: Woman With Ipad In Front Of Portraits Of Kim Il Sung And Kim Jong Il, Panmunjeon, North Korea
In memoriam afiler: Kempton, North Dakota
soreikea: ドア・ドア・ドア
tokyofashion: Tokyo Subway
archerius: eiffel
wanderingYew2 (thanks for 6M+ total views!): Butler Park Fountains July Evening #2
Max Potvin: Sandbanks - not a single fuck was given that day.
ComradeQuiche: Press (2)
Pepa Quin: Pyrovision
Nathan Parry: The city sleeps
ComradeQuiche: Banannas
Vsevolod Vlasenko: before the rain in Singaraja
jsfotografie.com: Cinemascope
Oldcam87: 122's Family
r4foto: Zenit
:::Irfan.Yogaswara.Rahman:::: love~the~earth.16|05|12
Serge Butolin: IMG_3501.jpg
friday1970: Bise Beach Serenity
Kosmo Foto: Zenit
Ilya.Bur: Jaffa
DJKennedy219: Pentax645N001a