Doug Watt: Monster
Doug Watt: Dwyn doesn't approve
Doug Watt: Bleary-eyed but happy to be home
Doug Watt: Dwyn is happy these are out, finally
Doug Watt: Paradise
Doug Watt: Rainbeaten
Doug Watt: Beautiful Blue
Doug Watt: Looking for a new place to dig in the mud.
Doug Watt: A Cold Bud
Doug Watt: Close shade
Doug Watt: Blair on a swing with mud on her nose
Doug Watt: Dwyn close
Doug Watt: Afternoon light
Doug Watt: shake it
Doug Watt: Shaded lily
Doug Watt: Seen better days
Doug Watt: Guarding the food stash
Doug Watt: Checking it out
Doug Watt: Urban Feeder
Doug Watt: Close
Doug Watt: Bug House
Doug Watt: Naval Orange blossom
Doug Watt: Rained out
Doug Watt: New blue
Doug Watt: Silver blue
Doug Watt: Flame
Doug Watt: Blair helps weed the yard
Doug Watt: Carrrots are growing fast
Doug Watt: Looking in my window
Doug Watt: Mr Titmouse caught a bug