Shiger Miy: Bird in Palau
Spikebot: Holy Cross church Kincumber South
DarynM: IMAG0017
Erland R.N.: Petalura gigantea
Black Diamond Images: Papillaria flavolimbata - Gloucester Tops World Heritage Antarctic Beech Forest
Steven Tyler PJs: "Because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!" - Stuart Smalley
Tindo2 - Tim Rudman: Stackhousia spathulata plant
wanderflechten: yet another picnic table with Pseudothelomma occidentale
Russell Cumming: Philodendron lacerum, Yorkeys Knob, Cairns, QLD, 27/08/19
realkevin: Cockatoo island
nicurie: DSCN3044
nicurie: DSCN3012
nicurie: DSCN3011
Kevin Keatley1: Tawny owlet on nest box
vitharanudyog: liquitex color palette
Tim J Keegan: Thirrilmun mural at Newcastle Interchange
In Memoriam: Ecuador Megadiverso: Treehopper, Philya sp., Membracidae
Russell Cumming: Trianthema portulacastrum, Reid River, south of Townsville, QLD, 27/12/18
wildlifemoments: Baccumalu
Tom's Macro and Nature Photographs: Painted Reed Frog, Hyperolius sp., Mozambique Scorpion Chelicera (Crop)
jeans_Photos: Out and about
AlistairKiwi: bare island angler
jeans_Photos: Darwinia hortiorum
LPJC: Holly blue - male
ibsut: Aussie
Happy days 09: Green tree frog_MG_1942 copyright Rosie Nicolai
Adolfo Nazario: VIVID SYDNEY 2016 - Lighting The Sails Opera House 1 of 16
Kerrie - in Sydney: Honey exhibit - Sydney Royal Easter Show