Doug Beckers: The new top layer of the Reln worm farm
Doug Beckers: Compost tumbler and worm farm
Doug Beckers: Worms in the Reln worm farm
Doug Beckers: Kitchen scraps from the old top layer, being put into the new top layer
Doug Beckers: Reln worm farm ready for new kitchen scraps
Doug Beckers: Worms and kitchen scraps in the Reln worm farm 4
Doug Beckers: Reln worm farm ready for new kitchen scraps showing scraps
Doug Beckers: Reln worm farm layers to be rotated
Doug Beckers: Worm castings
Doug Beckers: Cleaned Reln worm farm layer
Doug Beckers: Garden bed with mulch drawn back, just waiting for worm castings
Doug Beckers: Worm castings spread on vegetable garden
Doug Beckers: empty lower Reln worm farm layer with worm castings removed
Doug Beckers: Clean Reln worm farm layer
Doug Beckers: Worms and kitchen scraps in the Reln worm farm 3
Doug Beckers: lugs shown maximum height of kitchen scraps
Doug Beckers: Garden bed just waiting for worm castings
Doug Beckers: Reln worm farm layer with too much kitchen scraps
Doug Beckers: Worms and kitchen scraps in the Reln worm farm 2
Doug Beckers: Garden bed with Reln worm farm and worm castings
Doug Beckers: Worms and kitchen scraps in the Reln worm farm 1
Doug Beckers: Rotating the Reln worm farm
Doug Beckers: Worm castings on vegetable garden
Doug Beckers: Worm castings in vegetable garden covered by mulch
Doug Beckers: Reln Can-O-Worms - all layers
Doug Beckers: Reln Can-O-Worms - liquid layer
Doug Beckers: Reln Can-O-Worms - upper layer
Doug Beckers: Reln Can-O-Worms
Doug Beckers: Reln Can-O-Worms - lowest layer
Doug Beckers: Reln Can-O-Worms - middle layer