desomnis: Patience
3rd-Rate Photography: Lay Off the Cookies
Riot Of Darkness: Cerchio di luce
62KS: East Lomond Hill
Gianluca Crotti: Portovenere
Tedz Duran: Acqua Alta
Mirza Ferdous Alam: VIDYASAGAR SETU
Philip Bloom: Sunrise from room in Upper House
*° Daniela A. *°: Sulle labbra era il sapore
Kojaniemi: Feast
jimsumo999: Kingfisher
desomnis: Magical Prague
Alan10eden: Why the long face?
unciepaul: Stamford at night
FiveGirl: Sky and stars
emydelema: Tour Eiffel Paris
ozen0001: Bristol Cathedral
Andrew McGaughey: 171214_2026low res
henk.sijgers (on when I can): Easter Island II
emydelema: North Foreland lighthouse UK
sf1003!: Mt. Ryozen / Shiga Prefecture
nowhere man ( 飄泊的人 ): back to the past ( 回到過去 )
jimsumo999: The Green Knight.
Tedz Duran: Lighthouse
Rustybricko: Fallen
Andrew McGaughey: _DSC2016low res
MGness / Wherever you will go
JuliSonne: Sandmann
Idreamofpies: Rivers To Cross