Activestills: 'Critical Mass' cycling group for animal rights, Tel Aviv, Israel, 02.05.2013
Activestills: Performance illustrating Palestinian detainees, Rabin memorial ceremony, Tel Aviv, Israel, 12.11.2011
Activestills: Performance illustrating Palestinian detainees, Rabin memorial ceremony, Tel Aviv, Israel, 12.11.2011
Activestills: Protest for social justice, South Tel aviv, Israel, 15/8/2011.
Activestills: Susiya festival, South Hebron Hills, 28.05.2011
Activestills: Susiya festival, South Hebron Hills, 28.05.2011
Activestills: Annual Human Rights march, Tel - Aviv, 10.12.10
Activestills: Art performance against apartheid, Tel Aviv opera house, Israel, 15/11/2010.
Activestills: Art performance against apartheid, Tel Aviv opera house, Israel, 15/11/2010.
Activestills: MK Hanin Zoabi speaks at Rogatka, Tel Aviv, Israel, 12/7/210.
Activestills: demonstrtion against the IDF takeover on the flotilla to Gaza, Ashdod Port 31/05/2010
Activestills: demonstrtion against the IDF takeover on the flotilla to Gaza, Ashdod Port 31/05/2010 Demonstration in support of the 'Free Gaza' flotilla
Activestills: Solidarity march with Sheikh Jerrah evicted families, Jerusalem,
Activestills: Queer street party, Tel aviv, Israel, 20/9/2009.
aroundtheisland: Clown Army-2
sharonlenger: IMG_1477.CR2
aroundtheisland: Clown Army-1
marvocado: 18.07. TLV Anti Deportation Protest
Dima Vazinovich | Weeky demonstration in Billin + Olive Harvest 10.10.08
Dima Vazinovich | Weeky demonstration in Billin + Olive Harvest 10.10.08
Dima Vazinovich | Weeky demonstration in Billin + Olive Harvest 10.10.08
confusedrain: 6/06/09 TelAviv- Demo against 42 years of occupation
confusedrain: 6/06/09 TelAviv- Demo against 42 years of occupation
confusedrain: 6/06/09 TelAviv- Demo against 42 years of occupation
sbollag: DSC06098
sbollag: DSC06170
ntoddp: clowning-dancing
ntoddp: march-clown1