Kathy@kathyhardy: Freckled Dapperling
Kathy@kathyhardy: Fluted White Helvella
Kathy@kathyhardy: Skipper (butterfly)
Kathy@kathyhardy: Indian Cucumber Root
Kathy@kathyhardy: Bluet Flowers (Houstonia)
Kathy@kathyhardy: Sweet White Violet
Kathy@kathyhardy: Trout Lily
Kathy@kathyhardy: Wild Geranium
Kathy@kathyhardy: Amber Jelly Roll
Kathy@kathyhardy: Crocus sativus
Kathy@kathyhardy: Woolly Bear Caterpillar
Kathy@kathyhardy: Gray Hairstreak
Kathy@kathyhardy: White Banded Crab Spider
Kathy@kathyhardy: Yellow Garden Spider
Kathy@kathyhardy: Dark Fishing Spider
Kathy@kathyhardy: Violet Webcap Mushroom
Kathy@kathyhardy: Stalked Puffball in-aspic
Kathy@kathyhardy: Common Puffball aka Devil's Snuff Box
Kathy@kathyhardy: Violet Webcap Mushroom
Kathy@kathyhardy: Witches Butter [Tremella mesenterica]
Kathy@kathyhardy: Violet Webcap Mushrooms
Kathy@kathyhardy: Black Crow
Kathy@kathyhardy: Lilibet --- named after the Queen
Kathy@kathyhardy: The Blusher
Kathy@kathyhardy: Bog Star!
Kathy@kathyhardy: Old Man of the Woods!
Kathy@kathyhardy: Black Tooth Fungus