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albums of dorkmuffin
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scotland megafolder
Scotland Mega Folder
One Leg One Eye, Peretsky at Littlefield, 11/11
KEN mode at TV Eye, 10/10/2024
Replicant at Bar Freda
Vosh and True Body at Trans-Pecos, 10/8
Inter Arma, Pyrrhon, Anti-Sapien at TV Eye on 9/24/24
Scarcity (record release show), Crippling Alcoholism, Thin at Trans Pecos (presented by Saint Vitus Bar) on 7/5
Inter Arma, Sonja, Triac at Richmond Music Hall, 6/7/2024
Jaye Jayle, Austerity Program, Mike Bones at Union Pool, 5/12/24
Caroline Davis / Wendy Eisenberg, Patrick Shiroishi / Che Chen / Lesley Mok at P.I.T., Brooklyn, 4/13
Glorious Depravity at the Meadows (presented by Saint Vitus)
Kill Alters, Genital Shame, Stander at Saint Vitus, 2/14/24
Saint Vitus presents Sumac, Scarcity at the Meadows, 2/17
Blacklist, Reduction Plan at Saint Vitus Bar, 2/3/2024
Scotland 2022
Crime of Passing and True Body at TV Eye on 11/26/23
Brutal Panda Showcase, Saint Vitus Bar, 12/9/23
Altars, Titan to Tachyons at Vitus, 11/25/23
Full of Hell, END, Inter Arma, Wake at Brooklyn Monarch, 11/18
Battlemaster, Inter Arma, Infernal Stronghold, Heavy Penalty at Fuzzy Cactus, 10/21/23
Great Falls, Couch Slut, Austerity Program at Vitus, 10/11/23
Wasp Mother, Zero Survive at Saint Vitus Bar, 9/13/2023
Can You Stop My Teeth From Breaking Process
Lathe of Heaven, Satanism, the Eyedrops, Witness at TV Eye, 9/7/23
Glorious Depravity, Moynoq, and Putrascension at Gold Sounds, 9/5/23
Elder Ones and Darlin' at Public Records, 9/1/23
Pyrrhon, Couch Slut, Vomit Fist at TV Eye, 8/31/23
Skech185, Miles Cooke, & more at TV Eye, 8/1/2023
Scarcity, Among the Rocks and Roots, Centennial Gardens, and Deplorable Birth at TV Eye, 6/27/2023
Sonja at Saint Vitus Bar, 6/16/2023
Everything and Nothing at Gold Sounds, 6/10/2023
Couch Slut, Mares of Thrace, the Austerity Program at TV Eye, 6/23/23
Barrsheadahl, Pyrrhon, Sire, Murderpact at Saint Vitus Bar, 5/30/2023
USA Nails, Conan Neutron & the Secret Friends, A Deer A Horse at Vitus, 5/24/23
Whimbrels at TV Eye, 1/27/23
Dan Weiss' Starebaby at Nublu, 3/27/23
Liturgy / Scarcity at Littlefield, 5/6/2023
Utah 2023
Full of Hell / Primitive Man at Brooklyn Monarch, 3/8/23
Julie Christmas at Saint Vitus Bar, 3/3/23
Pyrrhon, Cleric, Forever 21, Sarmat at TV Eye
Inter Arma, Gravesend, Daeva at Saint Vitus Bar, 12/10/22
Blacklist at Mercury Lounge, 11/12/22
KEN mode, Frail Body, Aeviterne at Saint Vitus Bar on 11/5/22
True Body, Chronophage, Mary Jane Dunphe, Mirage at Saint Vitus Bar, 11/2/22
Artificial Brain, Succumb, Luminous Vault at Saint Vitus on 11/3/22
Chat Pile, Scarcity, Psychic Graveyard at Vitus (10/24/22)
Full of Hell, Vermin Womb, Mortuous, and God Is War at Brooklyn Monarch, 10/6/22 (Saint Vitus Presents)
Mick Barr at Saint Vitus Barr
True Body, Juliett Class, Overlord at Heaven Can Wait
Editrix, Cleric at TV Eye
Moon Tooth at TV Eye
Yautja, Anatomy, Tunic at Vitus
Andrew Bird, Tift Merritt at Rough Trade
Couch Slut, Chain Gang Grave at the Windjammer
stupid memes
Film Experiments
Wall prints
Woe, the Silver, Witching
Portrayal of Guilt, Yashira, Wake at Saint Vitus
True Body / Lathe of Heaven at Saint Vitus Bar
Immortal Bird, Witching, Pyrrhon
Human Impact, Live Skull, Couch Slut at Market Hotel
Winter ref
Inter Arma, Artificial Brain, Skullshitter, and Glorious Depravity at Saint Vitus
Imperial Triumphant, Pyrrhon, Couch Slut at Saint Vitus Bar
Fungus Amungus (Image Ref Album)
Pyrrhon Album Cover
Inter Arma, Skullshitter at Saint Vitus
Medium Well in Hell V
Austerity Program, Dälek, Pyrrhon, Nordra at Union Pool
Virus, Ocrilim, Dysrhythmia, Geryon at Saint Vitus Bar
Wake, Pyrolatrous at Saint Vitus Bar
Inter Arma & Thantifaxath at Resident, LA
Ref For Dan
Psychic Jacuzzi
Couch Slut
Couch Slut
Pyrrhon, Ehnahre, Mob Terror, Dumal at Kung Fu Necktie
Process Shots
As Oceans Process
Pyrrhon Process
Pattern collecting
Tree shapes/textures
Dälek, Tombs, Couch Slut, Yellow Eyes at Saint Vitus
Today Is the Day, Author & Punisher at Saint Vitus
Netherlands 2016
Master Image Collecting Album
NH December Ref
Castle Source Ref
Inter Arma, Yautja, Forn at Saint Vitus
Neurosis at Saint Vitus Bar, 08/2015
Maruta, Yautja, Pyrrhon, Mother Brain at Saint Vitus Bar, 9/2015
Kylesa @ Vitus, 10/2013
Seputus Process Shots
Summer Image Collecting
Installation View
Young Widows, Austerity Program
Gigan, Pyrrhon, Artificial Brain at Saint Vitus Bar
Gigan, Pyrrhon, Artificial Brain at the Complex in Glendale, CA
Pyrrhon, Artificial Brain, Dimesland in San Francisco
Winter Image Collecting
Rough Draft Images
KEN mode, Psalm Zero, Couch Slut @ Saint Vitus Bar, 9/2
Landscape reference
Pyrrhon Process Art Narrowed
Pyrrhon art process
Kayo Dot, Pyrrhon, Epistasis, White Suns
Psalm Zero / Pyrrhon record release show at Trans Pecos, 3/28
Image collecting.
Insect Ark at Acheron, Jan 2014
Hop Along, Swearin' @ Saint Vitus
Couch Slut at Vitus
Russian Circles, KEN mode, Inter Arma at Saint Vitus, 2/23
Aevangelist, Oak, Artificial Brain, Disparish
Young Widows, Norman Westberg at Saint Vitus
White Widows Pact INCOMPLETE
Print Candidates
Print Possibilities
Orange Goblin at Saint Vitus
Built to Spill at Irving Plaza
Mike Doughty and Moon Hooch at Webster Hall
Eyehategod at Saint Vitus Bar
Circle Takes the Square, Saint Vitus Bar
Absu at Saint VItus Bar
Slayer, Gojira at the Theatre at MSG
Tombs, Primitive Weapons @ Saint VItus
Tombs, Primitive Weapons @ Saint VItus
Melt Banana, Brain Tentacles, VAZ @ Saint Vitus Bar, 11/1
Around Vitus
Suuns, Rose Windows, and DinoWalrus at Le Poisson Rouge
Windhand, Ramming Speed, and Golden Grass at Saint Vitus Bar
Curse of Millhaven
Portfolio Site Tentative Set
Borrowed camera
Raspberry Bulbs, Thought Broadcast, Shoxx @ Saint Vitus Bar, August 2013
Dax Riggs, Spires @ Mercury Lounge, 6/28/13
Torche, KEN mode, Lo-pan, Inter Arma at 285 Kent
Cobalt (!!!), Lord Mantis, Alberich @ Saint Vitus
Dinosaur Jr @ Irving Plaza, Governor's Ball after party
Summer Thunder at Union Pool with Inter Arma, Anicon, and Pyrrhon
Swans & Chelsea Wolfe at Warsaw, 6/13/13
Potential band pics
Boris, Young Widows @ Le Poisson Rouge. 5/6/13
Opeth, Katatonia @ Music Hall of Williamsburg
Russian Circles, Primitive Weapons, Descender @ Saint Vitus
Absu, Tombs @ Saint Vitus
Today Is The Day, Black Tusk, KEN mode, Fight Amp, Fashion Week @ Saint Vitus
Death To All @ Irving Plaza
Swans @MHOW
Don Giovanni Showcase feat. Screaming Females
My Brightest Diamond
Corrections House (members of Neurosis, Gojira, Eyehategod) at Vitus
Dysrhythmia and others at St Vitus
Future of the Left plus others, Knitting Factory, 11/27
Witch Mountain, Castle, and Kings Destroy at Saint Vitus, 11/2
Unofficial Pitchfork CMJ Show No Mercy Showcase: Car Bomb, Batillus, Pyrrhon, Primitive Weapons, Theologian, Andy Stott
Fiona Apple and Blake Mills, Terminal 5
Mountain Goats and Matthew E White, Music Hall of Williamsburg
Why, Doseone, Serengeti
Why, Doseone, Serengeti
Menomena and PVT at the Bowery Ballroom, 10/11
Bad Powers, Sannhet, The Year Is One @ Saint Vitus, Sept 21st
Origin et al
HoM et al
Mike Scheidt, Hufnagel, Nate Hall
Psychic Paramount et al, 7/12
Royal Headache, Home Blitz, Lame Drivers, Cake Shop 6/12
Future of the Left, Vitus 6/12
Future of the Left, Europa, 6/12
Los Angeles
Maryland Death Fest: Sunday, May 27th, 2012
Works in progress
Favorites (Photos)
Design work
Dartmouth Women's Crew @ Penn
Rosetta, Giant Squid, Fight Amp, and East of the Wall @ St. Vitus 4/21
Pyrrhon and Cleric at St. Vitus, 3/23
Pyrrhon @ St Vitus, 3/9/12
Pyrrhon@Death By Audio
Julie Christmas, Stephen Brodsky, Kevin Hufnagel @St Vitus
Pyrrhon @the Knitting Factory, 12/30/11
Pyrrhon @St Vitus, 11/28/11
Thanksgiving Weekend
Halloween 2011
Pyrrhon Art
Pyrrhon @ Union Pool, 1/24
Pyrrhon @the Lit Lounge, NYC, 5/10
Drawing II Final Project Comic Book: Accidental Extermination
Thesis Process Set
Mom comes to Italy, takes photos that prove I was there.
Mom comes to Italy, takes photos that prove I was there.
Work in Italy
Pyrrhon at the Charleston
End of summer
Photo I, Spring 2007
Spring 2007, Graveyard
Sketchbook Pages
Silly digital snapshots
Anything and everything Holga
Senior Project, Spring 2006
High School Art Assignments
High School Sketchbook Pages
High School Class Projects
Someone needs to delete my photobooth application