Anni - with camera - away for a little bit: Monarch - Danaus plexippus caterpillars...
Matthias.Kahrs: Eisvogel (Alcedo atthis)
Ethan A. Winning: Two Discoveries
Matthias.Kahrs: Sperbereule (Surnia ulula)
Ethan A. Winning: House Finch 6978
friendsintheair: Crimson Rosella
Matthias.Kahrs: Rauchschwalbe (Hirundo rustica)
Geoff Whalan: Bar-Shouldered Dove (Geopelia humeralis) (28 centimetres)
robenglish64: Swainson's Hawk's 0088
robenglish64: Swainson's Hawk (juvenile) 0073
robenglish64: Swainson's Hawk 0086
jc.han: Turning the direction of the fish
Ethan A. Winning: Red-tailed Hawk
friendsintheair: White - faced Heron
Jims Wildlife: FO8T2967-Edit
Jims Wildlife: FO8T0517-Edit
Matthias.Kahrs: Trottellumme (Uria alle) Ringellumme
Geoff Whalan: Masked Finch (Peophila personata) (12.5 centimetres)
Geoff Whalan: Australasian Yellow Figbird (Sphecotheres vieilloti flaviventris) (male) (23 centimetres)
Geoff Whalan: Homeward the weary fisherman
robenglish64: Coyote 1318
robenglish64: Coyote 1303
robenglish64: Red Fox Kit 0977
robenglish64: Red Fox Kit 0934
friendsintheair: Mistletoebird ( Dinner )
Anni - with camera - away for a little bit: My visiting Grey Fantail...
Anni - with camera - away for a little bit: Australian Grey Fantail - Rhipidura albiscapa
Matthias.Kahrs: Steinadler (Aquila chrysaetos)
Geoff Whalan: First dry season Turkey Bush flowers